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The World (This One) |
Vox Populi Gallery, Philadelphia, PA __April 5th - April 28th, 2013 |
press release |
scroll down to see all work |
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Exhibition Overview: The World (This One)
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One)
Found photos and map pins on homesote 9' x 21'
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One)
Free, double-sided, off-set print- 27" x 37", with laser print legend
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One)
Free, double-sided, off-set print- 27" x 37", front (stars)
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One)
laser print legend, 11" x 8.5" to accompany Free, double-sided, off-set print
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One)
Free, double-sided, off-set print- 27" x 37", back (stripes)
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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Exibition Overview: The World (This One)
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One)
6 drawings (left to right), Wall of Sound, Owsley, Tate, Manson, Kesey, Hell's Angels, custom drawing panels, Arches on Apple-ply, 14" x 10" ea.
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One)
Hell's Angels (w/ detail), custom drawing panel, Arches on Apple-ply, 14" x 10"
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One)
Kesey (w/ detail), custom drawing panel, Arches on Apple-ply, 14" x 10"
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One)
(w/ detail), custom drawing panel, Arches on Apple-ply, 14" x 10"
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One)
Tate (w/ detail), custom drawing panel, Arches on Apple-ply, 14" x 10"
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One)
Owsley (w/ detail), custom drawing panel, Arches on Apple-ply, 14" x 10"
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One)
Wall of Sound (w/ detail)l, custom drawing panel, Arches on Apple-ply, 14" x 10"
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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Exhibition Overview: The World (This One)
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One), Death Valley Triptych
2 Drawings with 1 Found Map (digital print)
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One), Death Valley Triptych
Zabriske (w/ detail), custom drawing panel, Arches on Apple-ply, 10" x 9"
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One), Death Valley Triptych
Family (w/ detail), custom drawing panel, Arches on Apple-ply, 9" x 10"
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One), Death Valley Triptych
Found Map, Digital Print
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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The World (This One),
Supplementary Readings
laser prints of found readings on the internet
Vox Populi Gallery, April 2013 |
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