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Whitman at 200 Research and Process Images |
Whitman at 200 was a region-wide series of cultural events consisting of artistic commissions plus a multitude of innovative exhibitions, performances, and programs initiated in conjunction with partner organizations across the Philadelphia and Camden region. |
Whitman at 200 website- https://www.whitmanat200.org |
The images below are from research done during the completion of multiple works for two exhbitions:
There are Dozen of Me Afloat
A collaborative installation by Lewis Coburn and Mark Stockton
Exhibition: Democratic Vistas: Whitman, Body and Soul
Stedman Gallery, Rutgers University, Camden NJ (May - Dec 2019)
The Poet in His Bedroom or Walt Whitman in repose amongst a chaos of papers in Camden in 1891
Exhibition: Multitudes: Whitman at 200
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA (May - September 2019)
scroll down to see all work |

Whitman Death Mask
completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892 in Camden, NJ
Firestone Library Princeton University
, NJ

Whitman Death Mask
completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892 in Camden, NJ
Firestone Library Princeton University
, NJ

Whitman Death Mask (Label and Signature)
completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892 in Camden, NJ
Firestone Library Princeton University
, NJ

Whitman Death Mask
completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892 in Camden, NJ
Firestone Library Princeton University
, NJ
NOTE: The death casts displayed were originally made by Thomas Eakins and Samuel Murray in 1892 on the day of Whitman’s passing. These replicas were based on 3D scans made by Mark Stockton from the original objects which are housed in the special collections libraries of Harvard and Princeton. The head is in the collection of the Firestone Library at Princeton University and the hands and chest are in the collection of Houghton Library at Harvard University. Colburn taught Stockton how to 3D scan the objects and this became the origin of this collaborative work. Stockton’s 3D scans were used to carve replicas of the death casts from wood, which were then molded and cast in plaster, returning the death casts to their original material. |

Whitman Death and Life Casts (Torso (After Death), Right Hand (After Death), and Left Hand (from Life))
completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892
Houghton Library, Harvard University
, Cambridge, MA

Whitman Death Cast of Right Hand
Completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892
Houghton Library, Harvard University
, Cambridge, MA

Whitman Death Cast of Right Hand ( Bottom side label)
Completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892
Houghton Library, Harvard University
, Cambridge, MA

Whitman Life Cast of Left Hand
completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892 in Camden, NJ
Houghton Library, Harvard University
, MA

Whitman Death Cast of Torso (Being prepared for scanning)
completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892 in Camden, NJ
Houghton Library, Harvard University
, MA

Whitman Death Cast of Torso with label
completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892 in Camden, NJ
Houghton Library, Harvard University
, MA

Whitman Death Cast of Torso (view of Chest Hair in the cast)
completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892 in Camden, NJ
Houghton Library, Harvard University
, MA

Whitman Death Cast of Torso w close-up label (view of Chest Hair in the cast)
completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892 in Camden, NJ
Houghton Library, Harvard University
, MA

Whitman Death Cast of Torso w close-up (view of Chest Hair in the cast)
completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892 in Camden, NJ
Houghton Library, Harvard University
, MA

3D Models from Scans made from Whitman Death and Life Casts
(Torso (After Death), Right Hand (After Death), and Left Hand (from Life))
Original casts completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892
Houghton Library, Harvard University
, MA

CNC carved MDF and wood sculptures created with 3D Models from Scans made from Whitman Death and Life Casts
(Torso (After Death), Right Hand (After Death), and Left Hand (from Life))
Original casts completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892
Houghton Library, Harvard University
, MA

CNC carved MDF and wood sculptures created with 3D Models from Scans made from Whitman Death and Life Casts
(Torso (After Death) in process of being carved)
Original casts completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892
Houghton Library, Harvard University
, MA
CNC carved MDF and wood sculptures created with 3D Models from Scans made from Whitman Death and Life Casts
(Head (After Death) in process of being carved)
Original casts completed by Thomas Eakins, and Samuel Murray in 1892
Houghton Library, Harvard University
, MA

A series of 4 replicas of Whitmans Death and Life casts made by Lewis Colburn and Mark Stockton in Lewis Colburn's studio.

A series of 4 replicas of Whitmans Death and Life casts made by Lewis Colburn and Mark Stockton in Lewis Colburn's studio.

A series of 4 replicas of Whitmans Death and Life casts made by Lewis Colburn and Mark Stockton in Lewis Colburn's studio.

A series of 4 replicas of Whitmans Death and Life casts made by Lewis Colburn and Mark Stockton in Lewis Colburn's studio.

A series of 4 replicas of Whitmans Death and Life casts made by Lewis Colburn and Mark Stockton in Lewis Colburn's studio.
NOTE: The sculptures below of Whitman were originally made by the artists Samuel Murray and Charles Bregler. Both of whom were both past students of Thomas Eakins. These replicas were scanned to create 3D renderings made by Mark Stockton and Lewis Colburn. Both sculptuers are housed in the collections of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. The 3D scans were used to carve replicas of the death casts from wood. |

Small Bust of Walt Whitman made by Charles Bregler in 1953
In the process of being digitally Scanned.

Small Bust of Walt Whitman made by Samuel Murray, 1892
In the process of being digitally scanned by Lewis Colburn.

Small Bust of Walt Whitman made by Samuel Murray, 1892
In the process of being digitally scanned by Lewis Colburn.

Small Bust of Walt Whitman made by Samuel Murray, 1892 (carved label)
NOTE: These Photos below show Whitman and his Residence in Camden N.J. and were used in the process of creating the works for Whitman at 200. |

Photo: Images of Whitman in the front parlor of his Camden Home in his rocking chair.

Photo: Images of Whitman in the front parlor of his Camden Home in his rocking chair.



Photo: Images of Whitman's Rocking Chair in the front parlor of his Camden Home in his rocking chair.

NOTE: Below is a reconstruction of Whitman’s rocking chair based on the chair from his front parlor at the Walt Whitman House in Camden. The 3D scans of his hands were carved into the chair's arms.



Photo: Mark Stockton (left) and Lewis Colburn (right) with objects and drawings made for the installation:
There are Dozen of Me Afloat
Exhibition: Democratic Vistas: Whitman, Body and Soul
Stedman Gallery, Rutgers University, Camden NJ (May - Dec 2019)

Photo: Mark Stockton studio view of in-process drawings of Walt Whitman

Photo: Mark Stockton studio view of in-process drawings of Walt Whitman

Historic photograph of Samuel Murray (left), Thomas Eakins (middle) and William O'Donovan in Eakin's studio in the 1890's

Historic photograph of Walt Whitman's Funeral in 1892 |

Historic photograph of Walt Whitman made by Samuel Murray and Thomas Eakins in Camden, NJ

Historic photograph of Walt Whitman with Butterfly

Whitman in the front parlor of his Camden Home in his rocking chair.
Historic photograph of Walt Whitman made by Samuel Murray and Thomas Eakins in Camden, NJ

Historic photograph of William O'Donovan with an in-process sculpture of Whitman in Thomas Eakin's studio in the 1890's

Historic photograph of Harry Stafford with Walt Whitman

Historic photograph of Walt Whitman in a chaos of papers in his bedroom at his home in Camden NJ

NOTE: This William Blake’s painting, ~1808, was turned into an engraving -1813
This image was Whitman’s inspiration for his tomb after 1881

Photo of Whitman's Tomb in Harleigh Cemetary in Camden, New Jersey |
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